From Peter Bradshaw’s Guardian review of The Bourne Ultimatum, which features a scene in which a *Guardian *investigative journalist comes under fire from a baddie sniper in Waterloo station:

But there are inaccuracies. The Guardian stylebook clearly states that if you are under a hail of bullets in a public place from an assassin run by a deniable intelligence unit, you have to duck into the nearest internet cafe and start blogging about it to keep the readers informed.

So having been long portrayed as the soggy, wussy liberal, the Guardian journalist gets to be an action man. Or at least hang out with an action man who reads the Guardian. The only thing I was a bit concerned about was this Guardian journalist’s man bag. It flapped across his lower back in a worryingly metrosexual way. You don’t see Jason Bourne with a man bag.

As the cliché goes: Heh.

Paddy Considine plays the man from the Graun — “security correspondent” Simon Ross. In an interview with — who else — a few days ago, Considine describes visiting Farringdon Road to get into character:

I went to the morning conference, where editors and journalists discuss ideas for the next day’s paper, and then visited some of the guys at the Guardian who work tucked away in the corner of the news room. Their desks are called “the grassy knoll” and there are files filled with God-knows-what everywhere.

He also says he “had to wimp down a little bit” to play the part. Ooooh.

Update: Telegraph readers prefer Bond. The hacks at Victoria Place don’t like it either.