Press Gazette’s comeback issue is out in print today.

New Press Gazette owners Wilmington Media have also made an important early move to reduce costs by moving the magazine out of Fleet Street.

As several bloggers have pointed out, the previous regime’s move to Fleet Street just three months ago didn’t make much sense beyond a short-term publicity stunt, since the biggest employers on the Street of Shame these days are law firms and investment banks.

So as much as we enjoyed the Old Bell, the old hacks’ haunts would not have yielded any stories over a liquid lunch — except perhaps the odd libel case.

The name of my column won’t be affected, but the magazine’s fourth home in just over a year is in Underwood Street, near Old Street. The move is a good sign that the title will benefit from the economies of scale inherent in being part of a larger publishing stable.

Best of all, it looks like the new local is the Bavarian Beerhouse. A bonus for returning staff: bratwurst.