The Matrix database story is more interesting than I first thought.

According to a report in the Tallahassee Democrat, Seisint Inc., the company that built the controvertial anti-terrorism database for the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, was founded by one Hank Asher, who “was identified as a pilot in several drug-smuggling cases prosecuted in the 1980s” but was never charged with a crime because he had become an informer:

… In January 2003, [Florida Governor Jeb Bush], the head of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and Seisint executives demonstrated Matrix for the vice president [Dick Cheney]. A few months later, the federal government granted Seisint a $12-million contract.</p>

… Asher … resigned from the company in August after the FDLE questioned his background during negotiations on a $1.6 million state contract related to Matrix.

Jeb Bush claims he knew nothing of Asher’s history, and wasn’t concerned because Seisint had made a “great” database.

Nine states have pulled out of the Matrix project due to privacy concerns, leaving only Florida, Connecticut, Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania using it.